You can use all types of milk: fresh milk, pasteurized, UHT, whole milk, semi-skimmed milk, skimmed milk, cow, goat, sheep, soybean (to make soy yogurt must be added to the soy milk a tablespoon of honey or sugar).
To obtain more acidic yogurt you have to increase 2 or 3 hours the time of incubation. To obtain a firmer yogurt, 2 tablespoons of powdered milk are added to the milk along with the ferments (for 2 liters).
If you are using pasteurized or UHT milk it is not necessary, but heat the milk to 82ºC will provide greater consistency.
Kept in the refrigerator is preserved for two or three weeks.
You can keep the ferments preferably in the freezer. They have a shelf-life of approximately 1 and a half year or 2 years. The rennet is kept in the fridge and it can be stored for six months.
It is recommended to make the straining of the curdled milk with a large strainer or a colander, covered in a thin and clean cloth and leave it in the refrigerator for a few hours. It is desirable to make in a refrigerator to slow the acidification of the bacteria.
They can be added after fermentation when the final product is already done or just before the ferments are added, when milk is already at incubation temperature.